About Tri-Bikram


Why Choose Yoga

‘Yoga in Daily Life’ is a system of practice consisting of eight levels of development in the areas of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. When the body is physically healthy, the mind is clear, focused and able to keep all internal and external stressors under control. The main goal of ‘Yoga in Daily Life’ is to cultivate your physical, mental, social and spiritual health in order to realise your full potential and connect to the divine within.

This is attained by a combination of routine physical yogic practices (including the lesser-known technique of Pranayama), mental practices that cultivate a positive mantra through affirmations, meditations and maintaining a peaceful state of mind and, finally, spiritual practices that allow you to self-reflect and grow a heart that radiates love and respect for all people.

Offering help to the creatures and environment around you, for example by protecting the natural world or pursuing a vegetarian diet, is also a vital component in achieving this equilibrium and will aid you in forging your own path towards enlightenment, whatever that may look like for you.

The Meaning Behind Tri-Bikram

The term ‘Tri-Bikram’ does not have a singular meaning, but rather is made up of the word “tri”, meaning the number 3, and “Bikram” meaning power or energy. Combined, the word encapsulates the three main Nadis, or physiological-spiritual channels of energy (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna), through which the Divine may flow through us.